Job Openings - Non-academic
If you know of a job opening that should be added here, please review the note at the bottom of this page then contact Mike Foster, or if you're a member of this site, please add it. (The posting date is included after each position.)
Interserve International (Please note that details at each link are vague given security concerns; upon inquiry, additional details can be provided)
Engineers (Oil/Mining sectors) (5/25/2020)
Project Manager (1/18/2020)
Water Sanitation Specialist (1/18/2020)
Contact for more details on any of these postiions.
TWR (formerly Trans World Radio)
Antenna Maintanence Specialist (7/22/2022)
Broadcast Engineer / Technician (7/22/2022)
RF Broadcast Engineer / Technician (7/22/2022)
Transmitter Engineer - Eswatini (7/22/2022)
Transmitter Engineer - Guam (7/22/2022)
Engineering Manager TWR Africa (7/22/2022)
IT Systems Administrator (7/22/2022)
Senior Project Manager(7/22/2022)
Note: there are two requirements for job postings: 1) the position description must explicitly mention Christian faith -or- the institution must be explicitly Christian and 2) (starting in 2017) your company must be an Institutional Member.