Spring 2020 Newsletter of the Christian Engineering Society
2020 CES Annual Meeting
by Steve VanderLeest (Steve.VanderLeest@christianengineering.org)
The annual business meeting of the Christian Engineering Society will be held on Thursday, July 9 from 12:00 pm until 1:30 pm EDT. The meeting will be held virtually on Google Meet. If you are a member of the society you are invited to join us using the following link:
The planned agenda includes:
• Opening prayer
• Approval of minutes of the annual business meeting on 12 July 2019
• Introduction of current officers
• Marketing
• CES booth at ASEE 2021
• Marketing ideas from Calvin student marketing team
• Communication
• Newsletter article ideas
• Website (ideas, updates)
• Membership Matters
• Plans for 2021 CES (joint with ACMS)
• CES Journal update
• Any changes to dues, member benefits?
• Officer elections
• Budget
• Scholarship (refine the process, expand?)
• Marketing
• Round table on COVID-19
• What is your school or business doing to deal with COVID-19? Sharing of ideas and best practices.
• Closing prayer
• Adjourn
CES Booth at the 2021 ASEE Annual Conference
by Gayle Ermer (germer@calvin.edu)
Due to COVID-19, the ASEE Annual Conference originally scheduled for June 20-24, 2020 in Montreal was changed to an on-line only event. In light of this, CES decided to postpone our participation at the expo until the next conference, which will be June 27-30, 2021 in Long Beach, CA. Further details will be provided next spring. Please contact Gayle Ermer (germer@calvin.edu) if you have any questions would like to volunteer. We look forward to seeing you there!
Responding to the Pandemic (Engineering Ministries International)
"All of us at EMI have been affected by the global pandemic. Though this crisis isn’t going to change ‘who’ we are or ‘why’ EMI exists, it has been challenging to pivot and actively work at changing some of the EMI ‘how’ and ‘what’ we do." Click here to continue reading.
Job Postings and CES LinkedIn/Facebook Page
by Ted Song (tsong@jbu.edu)
Don't forget to check the Resources & Career page for job postings, and the following
Newsletter Sign Up and Article Contributions
This newsletter is a publication of the Christian Engineering Society, distributed no more than once per month. You can sign up to receive an email notification when a new newsletter is available. Ted Song of John Brown University is the moderator and editor of the newsletter. Sometimes email filters will block mass distributions like the newsletter announcement, so be sure you whitelist the address "ces-announce@calvin.edu" to allow the newsletter announcement to get through. If you have questions about the newsletter, send an email to Ted at tsong@jbu.edu. Additionally, if there is a project or activity at your institution/organization that relates engineering with faith, missions and/or service, we’d like to include it in a future CES newsletter. Society members are always encouraged to submit announcements and contribute articles! (Editor reserves the right to make the final decision on inclusion of all content.) CES also welcome members to contribute articles or suggest new books to be added to this growing body of literature. If you are interested, please contact the CES resource curator Dr. David Che at ched2@asme.org.