The membership year currently runs from July 1 through June 30th. Membership dues received after January 1 will apply for the remainder of the current membership year as well as the subsequent membership year.
Individual Membership
In order to become an individual member of the Christian Engineering Society, you must meet the following requirements.
You must pay annual dues, set from time to time by the officers, currently $25 per year. Dues already paid from individuals at an institution count towards up to 90% of the institutional membership fee (if this is made clear at the time of payment for institutional membership).
You must assent to the statement of faith, set from time to time by the officers, posted on the About CES page.
New members must complete the membership application. After completing the application, email to ensure timely review of the application.
Membership dues are paid on the Breeze membership site (you will receive an invitation after your application is processed). Contact if you prefer to pay by check. If you previously subscribed via Paypal, see the instructions below on how to cancel.
Individual members of the Christian Engineering Society enjoy the following benefits
Discount on CEC (to be determined by the conference steering committee prior to registration opening)
CES Membership directory only accessible by members
Right to a vote on matters before the society (including voting for officers).
Only members can hold office within the society. The treasurer and vice-president must be US citizens due to their authority for the CES bank accounts and oversight of the US charitable non-profit status.
Right to post announcements or job openings to the CES website (contact information must be personal, not institutional. Institutional posting requires institutional membership).
Email reminders about CES newsletters only sent to members.
Institutional Membership
In order to become an institutional member of the Christian Engineering Society (CES), you must meet the following requirements.
Must pay annual dues, set from time to time by the officers. Currently $150 per year.
Annual dues are waived for 5 years if an institution hosts a CEC.
Annual dues are waived for 2 years if an institution sends at least 25% of its engineering faculty to CEC.
Institutions must assent to the faith statement posted on the CES website (About CES). Further, the institution's mission statement cannot conflict with the CES faith statement, as determined by the CES officers at the time of institutional membership application. CES reserves the right to reevaluate from time to time.
New institutional members must complete the CES Institutional Membership Application, which includes assent to the above-mentioned statement of faith. After completing the application, email to ensure timely review of the application.
Membership dues are paid on the Breeze membership site (you will receive an invitation after your application is processed). Contact if you prefer to pay by check, or to discuss the possible discounts described above.
Institutional members of the Christian Engineering Society enjoy the following benefits
At the time of payment, the institution may identify up to six faculty from the same institution who will be assigned CES membership for the same membership year. [It is the member institution’s role to notify its faculty members of this benefit. The CES treasurer is not able to take on this role.]
Discounts will be given for individual memberships for those belonging to member institutions who pay their dues AFTER the institutional membership is in place for the current membership year. The discount is set from time to time by the CES officers. It is currently a 50% discount. The member institution must inform its faculty of this option. [The CES treasurer cannot take on that role.] Once you have selected the faculty for discounts, Contact for information on how to pay the reduced membership fee.
Right to post announcements and job postings to the CES website.
Listing of your institution on the CES website with a hyperlink to your website.
Permission to display the Christian Engineering Society name and logo on your website.
Canceling Paypal Subscription
Login to your PayPal account, click on Activity.
Select a date range to cover a full year.
Browse or search for "Christian Engineering Society"
On the payment entry for Christian Engineering Society, click the down-arrow on the right for details.
Click on "Manage Christian Engineering Society payments"
Under Status, click Cancel.
Confirm "Cancel Automatic Payments"