Fall 2023 CES Newsletter

Call for Papers - 2024 Christian Engineering Conference
CES Dinner at the 2023 Annual ASEE Conference (Baltimore, MD)
Thanks to Robert Rashford and Kevin Hartnett for hosting our Christian Engineering Society gathering in June at Genesis Engineering Solutions (https://genesisesi.com/). We enjoyed the opportunity to network with each other and to learn more about the engineering work that is done to move products and people in space.
Call for Proposals to Launch CES Local Chapters
The Christian Engineering Society invites proposals to lead a two-year pilot effort to launch CES local chapters and the necessary infrastructure to support them. CES desires to expand its reach to provide an outlet for exchange of Christian thought in the world of engineering by growing a network of like-minded professionals in local regions. For the pilot initiative, it is assumed that CES local chapters will be hosted by Christian colleges/universities that offer engineering programs who can rally an existing alumni support base. Please find the attached document for more details.
Gayle Ermer, gayle.ermer@calvin.edu
Brian Swartz, bswartz@messiah.edu
Justin Vanderwerff, justin.vanderwerff@dordt.edu

Newsletter Sign Up and Article Contributions
This newsletter is a publication of the Christian Engineering Society, distributed no more than once per month. You can sign up to receive an email notification when a new newsletter is available. Ted Song of John Brown University is the moderator and editor of the newsletter. If you have questions about the newsletter, send an email to Ted at tsong@jbu.edu. Additionally, if there is a project or activity at your institution/organization that relates engineering with faith, missions and/or service, we’d like to include it in a future CES newsletter. Society members are always encouraged to submit announcements and contribute articles! (Editor reserves the right to make the final decision on inclusion of all content.) CES also welcomes members to contribute articles or suggest new books to be added to this growing body of literature. If you are interested, please contact the CES resource curator Dr. David Che at David.Che@indwes.edu.
JOB Postings and CES LinkedIn/Facebook Page
Don't forget to check the Resources & Career page for job postings and the following pages.