Winter 2020 Newsletter of the Christian Engineering Society

A CES Booth at the Annual ASEE Conference

by Gayle Ermer (

The CES will be undertaking a new outreach activity this year. The executive committee has approved the rental of a 10’ x 10’ booth at the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) annual conference in Montreal, Quebec, Canada in June. We will be participating in the exposition that runs during the conference, starting on Monday evening, June 22 and extending through Wednesday, June 24. Any CES members who will be attending the ASEE conference or CES members who live close to Montreal are welcome to help staff the booth. We have one or two exhibition-only badges that could be used to allow volunteers to participate without paying an attendance fee. Please contact Gayle Ermer ( if you would like to volunteer. Also, all CES members are encouraged to stop by our booth and show their support. We are looking forward to the opportunity to get our message out to a broader engineering audience!

Seeking a Volunteer to Plan and Host a CES Dinner during the ASEE Conference

by Ted Song (

CES is looking for a volunteer who can plan and host dinner during the ASEE conference this year in Montreal. If you are interested, please contact Ted Song ( No experience is required, and others will help. Don't hesitate to contact Ted if you have any questions.

2021 Christian Engineering Conference

by Derek Schuurman (

The next CES conference will be at Azusa Pacific University from Friday, June 25 through Saturday, June 26, 2021. The conference will overlap with the Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences (ACMS) conference which runs from Wednesday, June 23 through Saturday, June 26, 2021. The CES/ACMS conference planning committee has identified a candidate for a joint speaker on the Friday evening of the conference and is hoping to confirm that speaker soon. The committee is still seeking an engineering plenary speaker for Saturday during the overlap of the two conferences. If you have any suggestions, please contact any member of the CES board. We plan to issue a call for papers in the late summer or fall.

Job Postings and CES LinkedIn/Facebook Page

by Ted Song (

Don't forget to check the Resources & Career page for job postings, and the following 

Newsletter Sign Up and Article Contributions

This newsletter is a publication of the Christian Engineering Society, distributed no more than once per month. You can sign up to receive an email notification when a new newsletter is available. Ted Song of John Brown University is the moderator and editor of the newsletter. Sometimes email filters will block mass distributions like the newsletter announcement, so be sure you whitelist the address "" to allow the newsletter announcement to get through. If you have questions about the newsletter, send an email to Ted at Additionally, if there is a project or activity at your institution/organization that relates engineering with faith, missions and/or service, we’d like to include it in a future CES newsletter. Society members are always encouraged to submit announcements and contribute articles! (Editor reserves the right to make the final decision on inclusion of all content.) CES also welcome members to contribute articles or suggest new books to be added to this growing body of literature. If you are interested, please contact the CES resource curator Dr. David Che at