Spring 2019 Newsletter of the Christian Engineering Society
Registration for the 2019 Christian Engineering Conference
by Justin Vander Werff (Justin.VanderWerff@dordt.edu)
Brothers and Sisters in Christ who are involved in engineering and technology: We are excited to announce that registration is open for the 2019 Christian Engineering Conference! It will be hosted by the Dordt Engineering Department in Sioux Center, Iowa, on July 11-13.
To register, follow the registration link on this page: http://www.christianengineering.org/conferences-events/2019-christian-engineering-conference
We are putting a great program together for the conference! As you’ve come to expect from CEC, we will have a number of papers encouraging and challenging each other in what it means to do engineering Christianly, to teach engineering Christianly, and to think biblically about engineering and engineering education. A particular area of focus we will engage this year is being Christians in the engineering industry, including our keynote speaker Mike Adams, founder and CEO of Adams Thermal Systems (https://www.adamsthermalsystems.com/) and president of Adams Thermal Foundation (https://www.adamsthermalfoundation.org/). Mike will share how God has accomplished his kingdom purposes both in Mike’s industry and foundation work. We also are planning a panel discussion that will include Mike and other Christian leaders in the engineering industry. We also are providing the optional opportunity, just before the official opening of the conference, of touring several local engineering-related companies and production facilities that are minutes from Dordt’s campus and have close connections with Dordt’s engineering program and Christ-centered approach to engineering and technology. Possibilities include Interstates (https://www.interstates.com), Pella’s Sioux Center plant (https://www.pella.com/), Groschopp (https://www.groschopp.com/), and Link Manufacturing (https://www.linkmfg.com/).
The upper Midwest is a beautiful place to visit in mid-Summer! There are a number of on-campus amenities that will be available for free for conference participants and families, including: and family members:
· Dordt Campus Center (with game room)
There are also some great recreation options close to campus:
· All-Seasons Center & Aquatic Center
· Sandy Hollow Recreation Area
And some great recreation options in the region:
We hope you’ll join us! Here is the conference page and registration link again: http://www.christianengineering.org/conferences-events/2019-christian-engineering-conference
On behalf of the CEC steering committee,
Justin Vander Werff (2019 CEC General Chair)
CES Board Member Nominations
by Steve VanderLeest (CES President)
The CES Officers have approved the addition of a fifth board member starting this year. Candidates for this elected office must be members of the society in order to be nominated. If you are interested or wish to nominate someone, contact the society secretary, Gayle Ermer, germer@calvin.edu. An election for the new board member will take place at the society business meeting during the Christian Engineering Conference held this summer, with the elected board member taking office immediately following the election. Please prayerfully consider whether you or someone you know might be called to join our amazing leadership team!
Results from the 8th Annual Disaster Shelter Competition
by John Brown University Construction Management Department
John Brown University along with Samaritan’s Purse International hosted the 8th Annual Disaster Shelter Competition, April 11-13, on JBU’s Siloam Springs campus. The competition scenario for this year was to design a disaster shelter prototype and an emergency water supply/sewage collection system in response to the Island of Barbuda’s 2017 Hurricane Irma. Teams focused on addressing the tropical climate and creating a structure that blends into the architecture of Barbuda in addition to meeting security, packing, durability, water resistance, cost-effectiveness and culturally appropriateness standards. Teams from LeTourneau University, Dordt College, Abilene Christian University, Pittsburg State University, Gyeongsang National University (Korea), and John Brown University participated, and below is the result of the competition. Congratulations on all the teams that participated!
Transitional Shelter 1st Place: LeTourneau University
Transitional Shelter 2nd Place: Dordt College
Transitional Shelter 3rd Place: John Brown University
Newsletter Sign Up and Article Contributions
This newsletter is a publication of the Christian Engineering Society, distributed no more than once per month. You can sign up to receive an email notification when a new newsletter is available. Ted Song of John Brown University is the moderator and editor of the newsletter. Sometimes email filters will block mass distributions like the newsletter announcement, so be sure you whitelist the address "ces-announce@calvin.edu" to allow the newsletter announcement to get through. If you have questions about the newsletter, send an email to Ted at tsong@jbu.edu. Additionally, if there is a project or activity at your institution/organization that relates engineering with faith, missions and/or service, we’d like to include it in a future CES newsletter. Society members are always encouraged to submit announcements and contribute articles! (Editor reserves the right to make the final decision on inclusion of all content.) CES also welcome members to contribute articles or suggest new books to be added to this growing body of literature. If you are interested, please contact the CES resource curator Dr. David Che at ched2@asme.org.